Tag Archives: children’s services

Art Afternoons: Beth Krommes Scratch Art

2015-10-06 [Art Afternoons - Beth Krommes Scratch Art]

What I Did:

Oops, I did this program several months ago and forgot to blog about it. Anyway, I love Beth Krommes gorgeous picture books, especially Swirl by Swirl  – I just adore the idea of highlighting something so common and yet overlooked in the natural world. When I first thought of using her as inspiration for an Art Afternoons program, I thought her work was done with prints – perhaps woodcut? Nope, she uses scratchboard, which is a super fun thing to experiment with! So that’s what we did, too!

What I Bought:

$4 for 100 scratch art sticks
$4 for 50 Artist Trading Card sized scratchboards
$18 for 40 8.5″x11″ scratchboards

$26 total for a program with a registration cap of 30

How It Went:

This was a fun Art Afternoons, but we definitely had some challenges. The scratchboard sticks didn’t really do a very good job of scratching off the scratchboard. I ended up pulling lots of random stuff from our craft closet – pipe cleaners, jewelry tools, sewing needles, and other scratchy stuff. I let the kids pick their tools.

It also doesn’t take very long to scratch art, so we put out watercolors for the kids to optionally paint their works afterward. This creates a really cool effect.

If you try scratch art at your library, make sure to talk warn your program attendees that they only get one large paper and one small paper (or however much you opt to give them) to use. Lots of kids are used to diving right in and then asking for another paper, which definitely works for some media, but not scratchboards.

This was also a relatively expensive program. Not breaking the bank, exactly, but definitely required more specialized stuff than I would prefer.



Passive Program: I Spy Bottles

ispy bottles wide shotSo, I’ve claimed a small nook that used to house our early learning computer as a passive programming station (inspired by Bryce’s Story Action Pods, like this one here). My plan (the best laid plans of mice and men, though) is to change it out ever week this summer, so I’ll always have something for school age kids to do if they show up at the library when we don’t have a program going on.

First up were some I Spy bottles inspired by something I’d pinned from Reading with Red like a thousand years ago. I have a small stash of recycled Topo Chico bottles someone tossed my way. They’re really great for crafts and sensory bottles because they’re smooth-sided and relatively thick.

I whipped up some colored rice using a recipe from Powerful Mothering – one in blue and one in green. I made a run to Party City and bought some small food-shaped erasers and a pack of animal party favors. Party city was definitely the best place I found for small objects that will fit through the (I realize in retrospect rather narrow) mouth of the bottles. I filled the water bottles with rice, adding in the party favors. Then I used some of the brightly colored duct tape left over from teen time to seal ’em up.

I hopped on Word and made some checklists for each bottle. I made sure to print the list on paper that matched the color of the rice in the bottle. I laminated both lists, tapped them to the table, and set out a washable marker for kids to mark off what they found.

Overall, the entire station took maybe an hour to set up, start to finish. This is not a fancy station, but it’s been a really big hit so far! Kids of all ages have been scoping out the bottles, and I’ve heard several parents helping their kids read the lists. LITERACY IN ACTION, Y’ALL.

ispy bottles greenispy bottles blue

Toddler Time: Robots

I did this toddler time last Tuesday — this past week has been a crazy one! We are definitely gearing up to head in to the craziness of summer!

Opening Song: My Hands Say Hello

Nursery Rhyme: Hickory Dickory Dock and Diddle Diddle Dumpling

Opening Fingerplay: Open Them, Shut Them

Book: Hello, Robots by Bob Staake

Front Cover

I love the bright, primary colors and repeating text in this book. It’s a little bit long for my wiggly toddler set, but that’s easily solved with a paper clip! I clipped together some of the middle of the story, and it was juuuust the right length. Not sure if my littlest toddlers understood that the robots switched heads and that’s what solved the problems, but they knew things ended when everyone did their part to help out. So that’s a win!

Song: Robot, Robot

Another song from 1,000 Fingerplays and Action Rhymes by Barbara Scott — I’m trying to make better use of the professional development titles everyone ignores in our work room! Simple variation on Puppy Dog, Puppy Dog, I tweaked it so they would be sitting down at the end. Do all the actions with maximum robot-iness for the most success!

Robot, robot,
Turn around.
Robot, robot,
Touch the ground.
Robot, robot,
turn left and right.
Robot, robot,
flash your lights.
Robot, robot,
bloop and bleep.
Robot, robot,
Go to sleep.

Book: The Birthday Box by Leslie Patricelli

I really love this book about all the things a box can be. I was really delighted when one of my regulars, who always enjoys toddler time but is pretty shy, exclaimed “the box is a robot!!” when we got to that page. It was awesome!!!

Flannel: Robot Parts

I cut out a bunch of different shapes in several sizes and colors. Each kid took a turn placing one of the shapes in a robot shape. It was a great opportunity to practice our color and shape vocabulary, plus, who doesn’t need a little practice taking turns! One girl, who at five was a little too old to really get the most out of toddler time, was pretty upset that the other kids were putting the pieces on “wrong”. I just kept cheerfully saying that we were taking turns and there would be plenty of time to play with the flannel pieces after stories, and all was fine.

Song: The Lights on the Robot

Another song from 1,000 Fingerplays and Action Rhymes, this song was a big hit. I think that one great thing about The Wheels on the Bus and its variations is that the repetition allows even the youngest kids to catch on. Definitely a winner!

The lights on the robot
blink on and off,
on and off, on and off.
The lights on the robot
blink on and off,
all around the rocket ship

(arms on the robot go up and down,
dials on the robot turn left and right,
legs go up and down,
power on the robot powers down)

Book: See Otto by David Milgrim

This book is actually a beginning reader that’s leveled to pre-reading. I had a little blurb for parents before I started about how sometimes it’s nice to read beginning readers together, so your little one will get excited about the prospect of eventually reading on their own. It’s a pretty repetitive title, but my toddlers were rapt with anticipation. I think using a beginner book will only work with small crowds like mine, though. The format doesn’t really scale to big groups.

Shaker Songs: We’re Going to Kentucky and Shake Your Shakers High

Song: Rum Pum Pum

Goodbye Song: Goodbye, Goodbye I’ll See You Soon

We had a really small group at Toddler Time this week! One family of regulars, and one family that had an infant, a young toddler, an older toddler, and a five year old. The mixed-age kids were actually really good listeners, but unfortunately, their mom was not. She didn’t participate in any of the songs or rhymes and played on a tablet the entire time. It was such a small group that I didn’t want to single her out and embarrass her, but it was definitely detrimental to the storytime vibe. The kids were also a little…screech-y and cranky during free play. Hopefully the family will come back, but to a program like Family Fun that has more to appeal to all their ages.

Overall, this was a fun toddler time. We’re now on programming pause, so I’ll have the next two weeks off of programming so I can prep for Summer Reading!!

Toddler Time: Music

This theme was a bit of a challenge, but I think I managed to find really fun stuff without compromising on quality.

Opening Song: My Hands Say Hello

Nursery Rhyme: Hickory Dickory Dock and Diddle Diddle Dumpling

Opening Fingerplay: Open Them, Shut Them

Book: Little Pig Joins the Band by David Hyde Costello

This book has so many great band instruments in it. Not exactly vocabulary you’ll use everyday, but really nice for creating richness of language! Plus, toddlers definitely relate to not being big enough to do things. The only odd blip in reading it is the asides/dialog can be kind of awkward to read. But overall a really nice, short book that introduces fun concepts without being unwieldy.

Song: Two Little Blackbirds

Our old Toddler-Timer used to do a lot of two little blackbirds sitting on a hill. I’m totally bringing it back, y’all! I talked about how music sounds are different from each other and how that makes music.

Two little blackbirds sitting on a hill.
One named Jack and one named Jill.
Fly away jack! Fly away Jill!
Come back jack! Come back Jill!

(Sitting on a cloud/soft/loud,
Sitting on snow/fast/slow,
sitting in the sky/low/high)

Book: Tanka Tanka Sunk by Steve Webb

One of my favorite readalouds, just because it’s really fun to read aloud. Not a lot of plot, but the rhythm of the words is a great opportunity to talk about things that sound like music, even though they aren’t. Also, skunks!

Action Song: Play an Instrument

We put on Ella Jenkin’s Play and instrument and I passed out bells. Due to my slightly hurried planning (I was out sick yesterday!), I totally didn’t realize this song featured so many different instruments in the instructions. If I were doing this program again, I would find a song that focused more on shaking your instrument fast and slow, soft and loud, stop and go, and less on the rhythm sticks, triangle, etc.

Song: Clap, Clap, Clap Your Hands

I got this song from Storytime For Two Year Olds by Judy Nichols. It’s a fun song, but one of my toddlers (I only had two today!) was outraged that we had been doing instruments without and not singing the shaker song, so we cut it short. We only did one verse!

Clap, clap, clap your hands!
Clap your hands with me!
Clap them fast.
Clap them slow.
Clap your hands with me!
(stomp your feet, pat your knees, la-la sing a song)

Book: Jazz Baby  by Lisa Wheeler and R. Gregory Christie

Another great book with fun rhythm.  I like that it has a plot without losing the rhyming and being too wordy. Also features good vocabulary like scat (the music, not the poop)!

Shaker Songs: We’re Going to Kentucky and Shake Your Shakers High

Song: Rum Pum Pum

Goodbye Song: Goodbye, Goodbye I’ll See You Soon

A solid storytime plan that just didn’t end up having very many attendees! We had three families total, but one came in while we were doing playtime. I’d definitely read these books and do these extension activities again, though, since the toddlers I did have had fun.

Toddler Time: Safari Animals

We did farm animals recently, so I wanted to mix it up a little and do some safari/jungle animals. There aren’t quite as many songs and books about them, but they’re so fun!

Opening Song: My Hands Say Hello

Nursery Rhyme: Hickory Dickory Dock and Diddle Diddle Dumpling

Opening Fingerplay: Open Them, Shut Them

Book: The Hiccupotamus by Aaron Zenze

This is a really fun book with lots of silly rhyming words. I think that maybe preschoolers would enjoy the word play a little more than the toddlers did, but it was still a success. The illustrations in this book are crazy-bright and eye-catching.

Action Rhyme: A Giraffe is Tall

From Storytimes Online I snagged this simple action rhyme. Participation was pretty high! Probably because the actions were easy to do, even for little bitties.

A giraffe is as tall as tall can be.
(Reach hands high in to the air)
She eats leaves right off of the tree.
(Make eating motion with hands)
Her legs are long, and her neck is too!
(Point to legs and neck)
And she can run faster than me or you!
(Run in place)

Book: We’ve All Got Bellybuttons! by David Martin

This is an awesome book! How did I not know about it before now? The right amount of text to entice toddlers (read: very little), bright illustrations, and built in interactivity! Toddlers pulled their ears, kicked their feet, and closed their eyes along with the animals.

Song: Where is Lion?
Where is Thumbkin is even more fun when it’s Where Is Lion, and there are puppets to boot! We called out a lion, a snake, and an elephant, and were greeted with visits from each. It’s surprisingly hard to make an elephant sound! I ended up going with “toot toot toot”. Ridiculous!

Flannel: Animal Parade
I found a fun flannel pattern in the oldie but goodie 2’s Experience Felt Board Fun, which has been languishing on our professional development shelf forever. I made a felt elephant, lion, snake, and monkey. We had an animal parade and walked like each of our animal friends! Very fun, and interactive!

Sneakin’ in Some STEM: Well, not exactly. But I brought in some nonfiction books and we looked at the photographs of the actual animals. Given how ridiculous (pink elephants!) some picture book illustrations are, it can be nice to actually look at photos.


Book: Simms Taback’s Safari Animals

Another excellent guessing game/fold out book from Simms Taback.  These books are sooo perfect for toddlers. The clues are easy enough that they can actually be successful, and the huge fold-out drawings are so visually pleasing.

Shaker Songs: We’re Going to Kentucky and Shake Your Shakers High

Song: Rum Pum Pum

Goodbye Song: Goodbye, Goodbye I’ll See You Soon

A fun, active story time! With so many action rhymes and interactive books, I felt like we actually had a good story time, even though we had some wigglers today. This was also a slightly larger than usual group. I’m glad we had a crowd favorite topic on hand to use — the puppets and singing were even more fun with lots of folks!


Toddler Time: Get Well Soon!

It seems like everyone has either been sick or been hit will killer allergies of doom the past couple of weeks, so I thought I’d just play in to that with a Get Well Soon theme.

Opening Song: My Hands Say Hello

Nursery Rhyme: Hickory Dickory Dock and Diddle Diddle Dumpling

Opening Fingerplay: Open Them, Shut Them

Book: How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon by Jane Yolen

Our copy of this book is totally ugly,  and I had to clip some pages, but man do we all love some dinosaurs. One little girl was shaking her head during the question part at the beginning — she definitely knew that dinosaurs did not throw their covers off the bed.

Song: If You’re Sick and You Know It 

My first song I made up all on my own! It was super fun to sing, and was a great transition from How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon because we got to do all the things dinosaurs weren’t doing. Yay!

If you’re sick and you know it
cover your mouth

(cough into elbow)
If you’re sick and you know it
cover your mouth

If you’re sick and you’re cranky,
just sit back and grab a hanky!
If you’re sick and you know it
cover your mouth

(hug your mom, drink some juice)

Book: Llama Llama Home with Mama by Anna Dewdney

I was a little worried about Llama Llama being too long for my toddler group, but he’s such a beloved character that they sat so still the entire time. I do enjoy that the Llama books are rhyming AND have a nice, strong plot. So many books don’t have both!

Action Rhyme: Eat An Apple
from Storytime Katie

I kinda had to stretch to get some relevant songs for this theme. Before we did this action poem, I just talked a little bit about the phrase “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Even though toddlers probably aren’t using too many idioms yet, it’s always good to model the behavior of exposing kids to new language to their parents!

Eat an apple.  (bring right hand to mouth)
Save the core. (close right hand in fist)
Plant the seeds, (touch the ground)
and grow some more! (extend arms up)

Rhyme: Ah-choo! Ah-choo!
From Storytime Katie

This puppet play was really fun to us! I got the skeleton of it from Storytime Katie.  We don’t have any farmer puppets, so I put on my farmer hat for the first verse. After each verse, I would say “oh no! The farmer (or whoever) didn’t cover his mouth, and now the chicken is feeling sick!”. The lamb in the last verse DID cover his mouth, though, so he didn’t get anyone else sick.

Farmer’s nose tingles.
Farmer’s nose twitches.
And he is going to sneeze!
Ah-choo, ah-choo, ah-choo!
Ah-choo, ah-choo, ah-choo!
(Cow, moo-choo/pig, oink-choo/chicken, bawk-choo)

Book: Chu’s Day by Neil Gaiman

Okay, I know Chu isn’t sick, but he’s a sneezer! So I talked about how sometimes we sneeze even when we aren’t sick! The toddlers really liked this title, which I was a little surprised at. I love the bold illustrations and sparse text, but I was a bit worried my little ones wouldn’t get the joke of it. They did, though! This book is super fun to read outloud.

Shaker Songs: We’re Going to Kentucky and Shake Your Shakers High

Song: Rum Pum Pum

Goodbye Song: Goodbye, Goodbye I’ll See You Soon

This was definitely one of the themes that made me stretch the most, in terms of thinking of storytime stretchers and books that would work. It was, surprisingly, a hit, and I’m pretty pumped I managed to incorporate puppets – a storytime staple I haven’t been using much – effectively.

Toddler Time: Farm Animals

Was feeling kinda “meh” this week, so what better than a classic storytime theme to snap me out of it!? Hello, farm animals.

Opening Song: My Hands Say Hello

Nursery Rhyme: Hickory Dickory Dock and Diddle Diddle Dumpling

Opening Fingerplay: Open Them, Shut Them

Book: Here a Chick, Where a Chick by Suse MacDonald

A fun book that combines lift-the-flap with animals sounds for a sure-fire winner. Bright colors and easy text make it a great choice for toddler time!

Song: Old MacDonald

You can’t read Here a Chick, Where a Chick without singing Old MacDonald! Always fun to make animals noises. Although my toddlers were feeling kind of shy, so it was just me making the noises by myself. Oh well!

Book: Piggies in the Pumpkin Patch by Mary Peterson and Jennifer Rofe

A title I haven’t used before, Piggies has short, rhyming text that’s fun to read and listen to. The round, happy farm animals that sneak in to the illustrations are fun to spot, too.

Flannel: Five Little Chicks

My colleague had a five little chicks pattern, so I snagged it and finally joined the ranks of Five Little whatever users! Weeee!

Song: The Animals on the Farm

I also co-opted this song from my flannel-lending-coworker. It’s to the tune of The Wheels on the Bus. It’s really great because you’re making the noise sooo many times, and even the most shy or timid can will usually join in by the end.

The animals on the farm
all make a sound
make a sound
make a sound
the animals on the farm
all make a sound
and we can too!

(the pig on the farm…oink oink oink, chick on the farm…cheep cheep cheep)

Book: Charlie the Chick by Nick Denchefield and Ant Parker + Chick by Ed Vere

These two popups are short and sweet. Toddlers love popups more than anything, I’m pretty sure. Plus these are both silly and funny.

Shaker Songs: We’re Going to Kentucky and Shake Your Shakers High

Song: Rum Pum Pum

Goodbye Song: Goodbye, Goodbye I’ll See You Soon

This storytime proved that classic themes are popular for a reason. Although I’m still a little confused as to why we, as a society, are so in to kids knowing the sounds that animals make as soon as possible, it’s a fun thing to talk about.

Toddler Time: Monsters!

There are a ton of super-cute monster books, and it’s never to early to not be scared of people just because they’re hairy…or something. Here we go!

Opening Song: My Hands Say Hello

Nursery Rhyme: Hickory Dickory Dock and Diddle Diddle Dumpling

Opening Fingerplay: Open Them, Shut Them

Book: Monsters Don’t Eat Broccoli by Barbara Jean Hicks

I really enjoy the rhythm of this book, and I think the illustrations have just enough going on to be visually interesting, while still being readable from a distance. The toddlers all listened rapt for this one, but I’m not sure they understood that the kids at the end were the monsters all along. No worries, it was still fun!

Song: You Put Your Claws In

I snagged this variation of the Hokey Pokey from Storytime Katie. I really like using well-known tunes because I feel like it’s less scary for the kids and easier for them to understand what’s going on.

You put your claws in,
You take your claws out,
You put your claws in,
and you wave ’em all about.
You do the wild rumpus and
you turn yourself around.
That’s what it’s all about!

(you put your tail in, you put your spikes in…)

Book: Creepy Monsters, Sleepy Monsters by Jane Yolen

This is a really sweet story with just enough text for the toddlers. Since my disastrous (well, less than successful) Big and Little storytime a few weeks ago, I’ve really been working to make sure my books are short enough for toddlers, and can hold their attention. This book has really great, saturated illustrations, and there is so much to look at on every page. Everyone was a very good listener during this book!

Flannel: Go Away, Big Green Monster

As soon as I read Go Away, Big Green Monster by Ed Emberly, I knew it would make an awesome but simple flannel. Luckily, Kizclub came through again with a great pattern.

Song: I’m a Little Monster
Modified from a song I found on Laptime and Storytime to the tune of I’m a Little Teapot. Cute and fun! I used our friendly monster puppet to lead the rhyme, but I got a little into it and was too scary. Well, not too scary, but one kid looked surprised. I took friendly monster around and let everyone pet her after the song.

I’m a little monster short and stout
Here is my tail and here is my snout
When I get all angry hear me roar
Roaaaaar, run for the door.

Book: If You’re a Monster and You Know It by Rebecca and Ed Emberly

Kendra mentioned on Read Sing Play that she finds singing a book in babytime is a smoother and more engaging experience than reading a book. I sang this book (I mean, how could you not!), and I do think that it’s more fun for the toddlers and me that way. They really helped me out with the roaring and clicking your claws and such in this book.

Shaker Songs: We’re Going to Kentucky and Shake Your Shakers High

Song: Rum Pum Pum

Goodbye Song: Goodbye, Goodbye I’ll See You Soon

This was a really fun storytime. We had more families than usual (although why, I can’t say!), and all of our parents were really good joiners. I will definitely be repeating this theme in the future — there are so many books I didn’t get to read yet!

Toddler Time: Spring Showers

It’s been drizzly and muggy here all week, so I thought we’d talk about rain and spring today! Plus all the non-rain Spring books were checked out, so I had to improvise!

Opening Song: My Hands Say Hello

Nursery Rhyme: Hickory Dickory Dock and Diddle Diddle Dumpling

Book: It’s Raining, It’s Pouring by Kin Eagle

A nice, silly extension of the classic song. It’s still super easy to sing, and it had lots of funny stuff happening. I really liked it and will definitely use it again!

Fingerplay: The Rain is Falling Down

Snagged this super-easy finger play from Storytime Katie. I love how easy it is and how you can just keep doing it until the toddlers understand how to do it.  A lot of intricate finger plays just don’t work with their tiny little hands, but this one is simple enough for everyone to do.

The rain is falling down (flutter fingers down)
SPLASH! (clap once loudly)
Pitter patter pitter patter (tap legs softly)
The rain is falling down (flutter fingers down)
SPLASH! (clap once loudly)
Pitter patter pitter patter (tap legs softly)
[Repeat until kids are worn out.]

Book: Mud by Mary Lyn Ray

I really love the large, colorful spreads and evocative but simple language in this book. It’s such a good book about spring and the melting of the world, but I’m not a hundred percent sure my Texas toddlers understood what it meant for the snow to melt. We need more books about spring in the the more southerly states!

Free Dance!

I pulled out the colorful wrist ribbons and we made rainbows by dancing! I put on a kid’s CD and we were off! Relatedly: dancing like a crazy lady for three and a half minutes is exhausting!

Song: The Raindrop Song

I’m not a hundred percent sure, but I think I somehow picked this one up from Barney. Eep!!

If all the raindrops 
Were lemon drops and gumdrops, 
Oh, what a rain that would be! 
Standing outside, with my mouth open wide. 
If all the raindrops 
Were lemon drops and gumdrops, 
Oh! What a rain that would be!

Book: Split! Splat! by Amy Gibson

I love the musicality of this book, which highlights how a Spring storm and playing in the mud makes sounds that are almost like a song. The bright illustrations and quick read make it just right.

Shaker Songs: We’re Going to Kentucky and Shake Your Shakers High

Song: Rum Pum Pum

Goodbye Song: Goodbye, Goodbye I’ll See You Soon

This was definitely a more appropriate storytime age-wise than my last one. A couple of our regulars who have been gone for a couple of months came back, and I think everyone had fun and enjoyed the stories.

Toddler Time: Big and Little

Hi all! I just got back from a staycation (a vacation at home!), so this is the toddler time I did a week ago. I tried a concept-based theme, and I think it went…okay? Here’s the breakdown:

Opening Song: My Hands Say Hello

Nursery Rhyme: Hickory Dickory Dock and Diddle Diddle Dumpling

Opening Fingerplay: Open Them, Shut Them

Book: Small, Medium, and Large by Emily Jenkins

Nice vocabulary in this one, but it was a little over the heads of my toddlers. I really enjoy the bright colors and fun illustrations, though. I’ll definitely use it again for an outreach or for older kids.

Song: This is Big, Big, Big

Melissa over at Mel’s Desk came up with this to use as an opening action rhyme and uses it every week. We did it three times, so the toddlers would all know how to do it by the end.

This is big big big
Hold arms out to side

This is small small small
Cup hands together

This is short short short
Hold hands with palms facing each other

This is tall tall tall
Reach one hand above head

This is fast fast fast
Circle fists quickly

This is slow slow slow
Circle fists slowly

This is yes yes yes

This is no no no
Shake head

Book: A Pig is Big by Douglas Florian

Another really great book that just went a wee bit over their heads. I’d try this book again with preschoolers. Man, I was  just a little off for this whole story time!

Action Rhyme: Show Me Something Big

We did this one three times, too! I found it when I was Googling around and landed on a random children’s library website. It was fun! and then ended up sitting down at the end! Double win!

Show me something BIG,
Show me something small.
Spin in a circle but try not to fall.
Clap your hands, stomp your feet.
Shake your arms, then take a seat.


Flannel: I’m the Biggest Thing in the Ocean

Storytime Katie again tipped me off to an awesome flannel over at Kizclub. It turned out amazing! But again, I guess I thought I was planning a preschool story time, so it was a little over their heads! Maaaaaan.

Song: The Itsy Bitsy Spider

I bet you know the words to this one, so no explanation necessary.!

Book: Itsy-Bitsy Baby Mouse by Michelle Meadows

Sweet story about a little mouse that gets lost and then gets help finding his way home. One of my toddlers decided that she’d rather sing Itsy Bitsy Spider during this book than when the rest of us were singing, but I just barreled right along and made it through.

Shaker Songs: We’re Going to Kentucky and Shake Your Shakers High

Song: Rum Pum Pum

Goodbye Song: Goodbye, Goodbye I’ll See You Soon

I feel like I missed the mark on almost every aspect of this toddler time. I don’t know what I was thinking. I am definitely going to try to pick out easier themes in the future, though. Toddlers just aren’t ready for a lot of concept books yet (in a public setting, I mean. Attention spans can be a lot longer at home or one-on-one)!