Category Archives: reader’s advisory

We Were Liars booklist

We Were Liars readalikes

Check out these readalikes for e lockhart's We Were Liars

I’m working on stepping up our reader’s advisory materials that live in the teen area. I know lots of teens don’t ask for help when they’re looking for books, either because they don’t know we can help them find books, or they’re too shy. I started with We Were Liars because I know it was a big read last summer, and I am imagining at least some teens end up in the library in June and haven’t read anything for fun since the previous year. We Were Liars is also a slippery book to find readalikes for, since it’s a fairly unique and hard to pin down title.

If you like the poster, you can download the PDF of the poster here here. You can also grab a PDF of the matching bookmarks here.

Do you have RA or book suggestion materials up in your teen area? What have you found works?