Tag Archives: clickey clack

Toddler Time: Trains!

Trains are awesome, right? So let’s to a train-themed storytime!

Opening Song: My Hands Say Hello

Nursery Rhyme: Baa Baa Black Sheep

Nursery Rhyme: Five Fat Sausages

Opening Fingerplay: Dance Your Fingers Up

Book: Clickety Clack by Amy Spence

I was worried this book would be a smidge too long for my youngest toddlers, but they were all really good listeners. The rhythm in this book is SO good – it definitely suggests the clickey clack of a train. Plus, the illustrations were bright and colorful and perfect for sharing. I would definitely use this book again!

Song: The Wheels on the Train
This excellent song from Librarian Lisa was a hit, especially because all the motions are easy adaptable for parents to do with little bitties who aren’t great at doing movements themselves quite yet.

The wheels on the train go clickety clack, clickety clack, clickety clack,
The wheels on the go clickety clack,
On the railroad tracks.

The engine on the train goes chug, chug, chug…
The conductor on the train says “ticket please…
The people on the train go bounce, bounce, bounce..
The whistle on the train goes toot, toot, toot…

Book: Freight Train by Donald Crews

This book has really great illustrations — for adults. They were a little stark for my toddlers to really enjoy. Plus, the text is a little dry – it’s all description and no plot.  I know it’s an award honor book and a classic, but it was not a hit with my little guys and gals!

Song:  This Little Train

I spotted this song in a word document that I found in a Google search. Unfortunately, I can’t figure out who to attribute it to. Brand your files, folks! I found that it worked best if I repeated the last three lines slowly, and the parents said that part with me.

(to the tune of This Old Man)
This little train, painted black
It comes chugging down the track
With a “Choo-choo; Toot-toot”
Hear the whistle blow
This little train goes chugging home.

This little car painted blue
It has seats for me and you
With a “Choo-choo; Toot-toot”
Hear the whistle blow
This little train goes chugging home.

This little car painted yellow
It shimmies and shakes like a bowl of jello
With a “Choo-choo; Toot-toot”
Hear the whistle blow
This little train goes chugging home

This little car, painted green
It’s the fanciest car you’ve seen,
With a “Choo-choo; Toot-toot”
Hear the whistle blow
This little train goes chugging home

Book: I Love Trains by Philemon Sturges

Another winner from Sturges. Simple text packed with excellent vocabulary, bright pictures, and a simple plot.

Shaker Song: Shake It to the East

Shaker Song: Shaking your Shaker!

Song: Rum Pum Pum

Goodbye Song: Goodbye, Goodbye I’ll See You Soon

Ugh, I swear, I’ll never really learn my new shaker songs. It’s okay, though! We have shaker variety. Overall, two excellent storytimes with kids who did an excellent job listening. I even borrowed the Duplos from our Central collection, and we had an extra-fun playtime.